Tobacco AddictionInfo Center

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Testing Rx Combo to Help Smokers Be Smoke Free
Smoking causes one in five deaths in the US. Varenicline and bupropion are approved to help smokers quit, but are only partly effective. Using both medications together might work better.
Tobacco Controls Saved Millions of Lives
Anti-smoking efforts ramped up after the surgeon general's first report on the health consequences of smoking. According to a recent study, those efforts have saved millions of lives.
The Price of Smoking Tobacco After Surgery
A tobacco smoking habit can cost a lot of money. Even healthcare costs for surgeries unrelated to smoking can be significantly affected by the habit.
Quitting Smoking Lowered Risk for Cataract Removal
Smoking can contribute to the development of many health issues, including vision problems like cataracts (causes cloudy vision), but research is showing that quitting can help to lower that risk.
Psychotic Disorders and Addiction Linked
Sometimes those with mental disorders can also experience other types of physical or mental illness. One such mental illness they may be at risk for is addiction.
Smoking Bans Worked Inside and Outside the Home
A smoker can’t totally kick the habit by only smoking occasionally. Researchers have found that public — and private — smoking policies may work in much the same way.
Smoking May Derail Effectiveness of MS Rx
Natalizumab (Tysabri) can decrease the disease activity and slow the disabling effects of relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis, but smoking may change that.
Heart Healthy Smoking Cessation Therapies
Kicking the smoking habit can improve overall health and quality of life. A recent review investigates where smoking cessation therapies affect heart health.
It's Not Too Late to Quit Smoking After Cancer Diagnosis
It's never too late to quit smoking, even after a cancer diagnosis, according to recent research.
A Pregnancy Complication on the Rise
The vast majority of pregnancies are uncomplicated, with healthy moms and healthy babies. But one of the more common pregnancy complications when one occurs is pre-eclampsia.