Tobacco AddictionInfo Center

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You've Come a Long Way Baby - Now Stop
It's common knowledge that smoking cigarettes can cause lung cancer. But it turns out that smokers may have to worry about more than just their lungs, especially women.
Smoking Programs Yield Disappointing Results
Quitting smoking is a real challenge. Despite numerous treatments and new laws, the number of people actually quitting has not met anyone's expectations.
Why Crave a Cigarette?
Pavlov's dog was trained to salivate when it heard a bell, thinking it was dinner. The same is true for smokers and non-related imagery.
Nicotine Replacement Therapies Don't Work
Smoking Patches for Memory
While nicotine patches are typically used to quit smoking cigarettes, doctors use them in research to stimulate cognitive development.
Social Stigma Silences Smokers
Your doctor may be your best friend when it comes to quitting smoking. Unfortunately, there are still smokers who do not confide in their doctors and seek help in quitting.
Red or White? Or a Shot or a Pint?
Studies about potential health benefits of moderate wine consumption are everywhere - but new research questions whether wine is necessarily any "healthier" than beer or mixed drinks.
Prenatal Smoking is Deadly
We've known for decades that smoking during pregnancy is potentially damaging for the baby, and has been linked to various birth defects, premature birth, underdeveloped lungs, low birthweight and many other problems.
Befriend Your Child
Forming a close relationship with your teenager might have its ups and downs, but research suggests open communication promotes individual decision-making, even if the talk is not all that agreeable.  
Cigarettes Still Kill
Although the tobacco industry publicizes cigarette additives to be harmless, recent research suggests the opposite to be true.