CardiovascularInfo Center

At The Medicine Shoppe® Pharmacies, we are dedicated to providing products and services to care for your family’s wellness. One of those services is health news you can trust. Use the filters to focus on the information that is important to you, then bookmark this page to make it a regular stop anytime you’re online.

Don't Go Breaking My Heart
Individuals with heart disease are already at a higher risk of death from their heart condition. But adding depression or anxiety – or both – to the mix can raise the stakes.
Rx for Arrhythmia Shortens Hospital Stay
The average price for a day in the hospital can be close to $4,000. So anything that can safely reduce hospital days would be welcome by both patients and insurers.
Stroke Care Extends Its Reach Via Video
Less populated areas may not have access to stroke specialists in person. Stroke patients, however, can now get lifesaving expertise—long distance—through video conferencing.
Too Much Salt for Toddlers
It may be convenient to pick up prepackaged meals designed for babies and toddlers at the grocery store. Yet these meals may contain higher than recommended amounts of sodium.
Energy Drinks Get Your Heart Pumping
Most people down energy drinks if they want an extra boost. Yet that extra energy boost may translate into small boosts in blood pressure too.
Activity Has Long-Term Payoff for Heart
Get up off of that seat! Physical activity has many health perks, including lowering the risk of cancer and osteoporosis. Over the decades, staying active also brings great benefits to the heart.
Opening Arteries Without Surgical Backup
When arteries are blocked, angioplasty may restore blood flow. Because complications from angioplasty are few, it may be performed safely at hospitals without on-site cardiac surgery.
Heart Disease Screening Tooth Fairy
Heart disease is a pretty complex business. So much so, that even adult tooth loss may be linked to heart health. 
Depression Can Sink a Failing Heart
Positive feelings can make a world of positive difference in a person’s health. For patients with failing hearts, however, negative feelings and depression can have the opposite effect.
Your Right To Breathe Healthy
You may feel a little timid to ask people not to smoke around you. But asking for your right to breathe fresh air could have an important impact on your health.