CardiovascularInfo Center

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Heart Healthy and Cancer Free
Cancer doesn’t just show up on your doorstep one day. It takes years to develop. That’s why a healthy lifestyle – over time – makes such a difference.
Obesity Breaks Young Female Hearts
When body mass index is high, so is the likelihood of heart attack or stroke. Obesity, however, isn’t just an older person’s problem. The threat extends to individuals who are much younger.
Does Stroke Rx Cause Excess Bleeding?
People with abnormal heart rhythms are at a higher risk of getting blood clots, which can cause a stroke. A blood-thinning medication may help. But some questions remain if these medications cause the bleeding.
Diabetes Patients with Chest Pain
Diabetes patients have a high risk for coronary artery disease and as a result, they may have chest pain. A commonly used anti-anginal drug, however, can provide relief.
Cholesterol Rx Good For Joints Too
Osteoarthritis and high cholesterol may seem like totally unrelated conditions. But as it turns out, the same medicines that lower cholesterol may also help prevent osteoarthritis. 
Clean Teeth Love a Healthy Heart
Taking care of your teeth may provide more benefits than you think. Proper gum and tooth care is not only good for your oral health, but it might help your heart as well.
Vitamins Can’t Stop Heart Trouble Return
Vitamins may energize a person and even help fight heart disease, according to some studies. For heart attack patients, however, high-dose vitamins may not stop the return of cardio problems.
Coffee, Tea or Stroke?
Enjoy coffee or green tea in the morning? Now you may have more reason to pour a cup. Although there are still conflicting opinions, a huge study found these beverages may be stroke reducers.
Skip the Bacon and Sausage
Bacon is almost a staple in the American diet. But in Europe, consuming the juicy goodness along with other processed meats could lead to an early death.
World Crises Trigger More Heart Attacks
When this world starts to get you down, it could be increasing your risk of heart attack. New studies have found that hurricanes, war and economic crises may be bad for the heart.