CardiovascularInfo Center

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Got Migraines? Check Your Heart
Women who have been diagnosed with migraines may have a slightly raised risk of heart disease events and heart-related death, a new study found.
Infection Risk After Heart Surgery
Severe obesity may increase the risk of infection after coronary artery bypass surgery, according to a new study.
Women with AFib May Face Another Risk
A 20-year study of nearly 35,000 women found that those who were diagnosed with atrial fibrillation (AFib) may have a raised risk of cancer.
Salt, Kidney Disease and Heart Problems
For patients with kidney disease, too much salt could raise heart disease risk, a new study found.
The Burden of AFib in Women
Atrial fibrillation (AFib) may not affect women and men in the same way, a new study found.
When Heart Attacks Are Silent
Many heart attacks may be "silent," a new study found.
There's Now a Generic Crestor
The first generic version of Crestor (rosuvastatin) has received approval from the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA).
The Link Between Statins and Colorectal Cancer
In a new study, researchers took a closer look at the relationship between statins, cholesterol and colorectal cancer.
A Healthy Diet for Heart Patients
In patients with coronary artery disease, the Mediterranean diet may reduce heart attack and stroke risk, a new study found.
Breast Cancer Rx and Heart Disease Risk
Researchers have known little about the use of aromatase inhibitors and heart disease risk in breast cancer survivors — until now.