CardiovascularInfo Center
At The Medicine Shoppe® Pharmacies, we are dedicated to providing products and services to care for your family’s wellness. One of those services is health news you can trust. Use the filters to focus on the information that is important to you, then bookmark this page to make it a regular stop anytime you’re online.
Go Red for Heart Awareness
Valentine’s Day can be a time for celebrating love or for nursing a broken heart. But it's also a time to recognize those born with a physically broken heart.
How 'No Smoking' Signs Help Your Health
For nonsmokers, "No Smoking" signs may fade into the background. But those little signs might make a big difference in their health.
Getting a Handle on Preeclampsia
Of all pregnancy-related complications, preeclampsia is probably the most difficult to detect. But there's some hopeful news on that front.
Exercise — For Your Heart's Sake
There are many reasons not to be a couch potato, and here may be one more.
The Invisible Toll of Stress
Attention all you young guys out there — if you're stressed out a lot, it may be something to worry about.
How Treating Sleep Apnea Could Help Your Heart
For patients with heart failure, sleep apnea can be a real problem. But that might be about to change.
Caffeine Drinkers May Not Miss a Beat
Proponents and opponents of caffeine have long been weighing in on its health effects. Caffeine-lovers will be happy to know that one common caffeine criticism may no longer be on the table.
Heart Attack in Women: The New Findings
Women and men differ in many obvious ways. One not so obvious difference has to do with their hearts.
How Healthy Fat Could Save Your Life
After decades of fat-phobic diets, many people still believe that fat intake is what ultimately leads to obesity and related diseases. In reality, the right fats may actually save lives.
Good News for People With Slow Pulses
Patients with an abnormally slow heart rate may have concerns about the potential for complications. But new evidence suggests these patients can rest a little easier.