CardiovascularInfo Center

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Men Received Faster Treatment for Heart Attack
Getting help fast is key to surviving a heart attack, but one new study suggests there may be a delay in getting women the treatment they need once they arrive for emergency care.
A Minute Saved to Stroke Treatment Could Add Days of Life
A stroke happens when the blood flow to the brain is blocked. This is a serious medical issue, and when it comes to stroke treatment, time is of the essence.
Mexican Americans Fared Worse After Stroke
Mexican Americans have a higher stroke risk and tend to live longer after stroke than non-Hispanic whites. But this longer survival may come at a cost.
Lifestyle Now May Affect Colon Cancer Survival Later
Healthy diet and lifestyle choices reduce the risk for many diseases. What effect these pre-diagnosis choices have on survival after colon and rectal cancer has become clearer.
High Blood Pressure Undertreated in Hispanics
High blood pressure is a serious condition, but it can be managed in many patients. Unfortunately, it appears that not all US populations are getting the blood pressure treatment they need.
Slightly High Blood Pressure Increased Stroke Risk
While high blood pressure certainly raises stroke risk, prehypertension may also substantially up the odds of having a cardiovascular event.
A Diabetic Pregnancy and the Heart
Among the complications that can occur during a pregnancy is gestational diabetes. Though gestational diabetes usually goes away after pregnancy, its risks may not always.
Compression Stockings Didn't Stop Post-Clot Complication
Compression stockings are designed to maintain pressure in the legs and to prevent swelling and clots, but a recent study showed they did not help with one problem.
Maybe Saturated Fat Isn't the Problem
Saturated fat — bad. Unsaturated fat — good. End of story. That's what medical and nutritional experts have claimed for over five decades. But is it really the case?
Supplements Lowered Bad Cholesterol in Older Women
Could taking supplements possibly help women improve their health? A new study looked at the effects of supplements on 'bad' cholesterol.