CardiovascularInfo Center

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Stroke Risk Up with Recent Cocaine Use
The risk of a stroke in a young, health person is usually quite low. New research shows that when cocaine is used, the risk increases greatly. 
Statins Alone Aren't the Only Option for High Cholesterol
When unhealthy cholesterol hits very high levels, patients might take a statin medication to help reduce those levels. For those who don’t respond well to this treatment, a lower-intensity statin with another medication may help.
Cardiac Patients Dying Less From Heart Troubles
It seems logical that patients with heart problems would eventually die as a result of their condition, but this might not be the case today.
Mediterranean Diet Beats Low-Fat for Heart Health
Following a low-fat diet may help lower cholesterol and reduce the risk of heart disease. A Mediterranean-style eating plan, however, may help you live longer.
Hidden Sugars May Be Killing You
You may want to reconsider drinking that can of soda. Added sugars in processed or prepared foods and beverages are not so sweet on heart health.
Women Had Tougher Time Post-Stroke
A stroke is a serious health event for anyone who experiences one. But could the recovery period be worse for women? A new study suggests that females may have a tougher time after a stroke.
A Child's Heart and Mind
Certain birth defects can affect both the body and the mind. Children with heart birth defects, for example, may also have delays in their development.
New Guidelines to Prevent Stroke in Women
More than half the strokes in the US occur in women. Addressing factors that uniquely increase their risk may help to change that statistic.
When Surgery Triggers Kidney Trouble
The kidneys flush out bodily waste through urine, and are an important barrier against an array of diseases. When the kidneys stop working properly, it can trigger a host of other problems, including ones affecting the heart.
Show a Little Love for Your Heart This Month
The heart keeps us going day in, day out, though we don't often stop and consider how to keep it going. Officials are encouraging people to devote time to heart health awareness this month.