CardiovascularInfo Center
At The Medicine Shoppe® Pharmacies, we are dedicated to providing products and services to care for your family’s wellness. One of those services is health news you can trust. Use the filters to focus on the information that is important to you, then bookmark this page to make it a regular stop anytime you’re online.
The Potential Myth of Vitamin D Supplements
Vitamin D supplements have been recommended to help prevent many serious conditions. But they actually might not be helping.
Small Size in the Womb Could Mean Poor Heart Health Later
The rate of human development is the fastest during the first trimester of pregnancy. Fetal growth restrictions during this time could affect the baby's future health.
Benefits of Cholesterol Rx Outweighed Diabetes Risk
Deciding how to treat a condition like high cholesterol can be tough, especially when some treatment options have been tied to an increased risk of other health problems.
Home Blood Pressure Readings “Unmask” Heart Risks
High blood pressure can be a “masked” villain. Readings at a clinic may show normal blood pressure levels, while home readings may give a more accurate view of cardiovascular health.
Sitting Can Kill: Exercise Can Reduce Heart Failure
While sitting may not seem harmful, a sedentary lifestyle may raise the risk of heart disease and premature death. Inactivity may also increase the chances of heart failure in men.
Mediterranean Diet Might Be Good for Arteries
Could consuming the healthy fats, fish and perhaps even red wine of the Mediterranean diet help prevent a certain artery disease? Maybe so, according to a new study.
Understanding More About Kawasaki Disease
Sometimes it can be difficult to learn enough about diseases that are fairly rare. Kawasaki is one such disease, but doctors are learning more.
Blood Pressure Rose in Kids with Sleep Apnea
In adults, sleep apnea is tied to higher blood pressure. Does sleep apnea produce the same result in children?
Women Who Sat Less Lived Longer
Physical activity is part of a healthy lifestyle, but one new study shows it may not be enough for postmenopausal women who have otherwise sedentary lifestyles.
Cholesterol Rx Recalled
We count on prescription medications for our health, but just like fresh foods, they can be subject to recall. A recent medicine recall might lead to shortages for some patients.