Chronic Pain ConditionsInfo Center
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Getting Football Players Back on the Field
You've seen it happen many times, from the safety of your couch. You're watching football, and a tough tackle lands a player flat on his back. But the next game, he's back in action.
Targeted Therapy Has New Target - Pain
As one of the first targeted therapies, Gleevec ( imatinib ) totally changed the care and outlook for people diagnosed with chronic myeloid leukemia ( CML ). With a bit of tweaking, this drug may be used to treat another chronic condition - pain.
No Doubt About Arthritis Drug's Benefit
A few years ago, the FDA warned that certain drugs may raise the risk of cancer in children with juvenile arthritis. While it still seems these children are more prone to cancer, the drugs might not be to blame.
Place Tied to Arthritis Pain
Millions of people across the United States suffer from some form of arthritis. To reduce these numbers, researchers first have to know what populations are most affected.
FDA Warning for Painkiller Mix-Up
The U.S. Food and Drug Administration is warning doctors and patients that a manufacturing mistake might have caused tablets from different opioid products to co-mingle in the same bottle.
Who's the True Pain Killer: Drugs or Chiro?
At some point in their lives, many people will experience neck pain with no clear cause. Yet, there is little research to help patients and their doctors decide which treatment to use.
Watch Out For More Powerful Painkillers
Powerful prescription painkillers like OxyCotin are among the most abused drugs in the United States. That's why plans for even more powerful pills have addiction experts worried.
Chronic Fatigue Syndrome Link with XMRV Questioned
Chronic fatigue syndrome ( CFS ) is a complex disorder that affects more than one million Americans. A couple of years ago, a study was released that claimed that XMRV (a gammaretrovirus ) was a contributing factor in developing CFS . But now, scientists say that is not the case.
The Perfect Gift for Your Former BFF
One gift you might want to make sure is not on your list this season is the ShoulderFlex Massager. Though it might appear to be a relaxation-inducing gift, the FDA is warning to skip the dangerous device.
Granny's Knee Hurts
Do you experience knee pain every day, or just every so often? If you are a woman over the age of 50 and your answer is yes, consider yourself a member of a very large club.