Colon CancerInfo Center

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Could Colon Cancer be Prevented?
While estrogen is primarily a female hormone, both men and women have estrogen receptors. Working with these molecules may lead to better ways to treat and even prevent cancers.
Colon Cleansing Clogged
Commitment to regular bowel movements can sometimes lead one to take extreme measures. Many herbal products offer quick fixes to get the system to speed up.
3D Screenings Coming Soon to a Colon Near You
Think of it as 3-D high definition TV. That's what's happening in the cancer screening world, thanks to Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) researchers.
Cancer Genes Are Very Complicated
Advances in the understanding of cancer these days usually involves zeroing in on one or two genes that go awry. New research shows that dozens of gene changes lead to colon cancer.
Your Cancer Family Tree
As with all of medicine these days, researchers are now finding that cancer screenings need to be personalized. Your screening schedules should be based on your family history.
New Benefits of Folate and Folic Acid
Eating lots of green leafy vegetables has long been a staple of healthy eating. Researchers now say that folate may also lower the risks of colorectal cancer.
Love, Marriage and Colon Cancer
Being married isn't just good for the soul. Marriage has a number of clinically proven health benefits. Scientists have added another one recently.
Cancer's Killer Jobs
You work long and hard, toiling away at a keyboard hour after hour. Well, like just about everything else in life these days, years of sitting could be hazardous to your health.
'I Love My Baby Back Ribs'
There's a lot of buzz about red and processed meats causing an increased risk for cancer. But what does that mean for your backyard grilling this summer? MD Anderson has some healthy BBQ tips.
Processed Meats May Kill
In general, any kind of processed food is not your best choice to stay healthy.  Recently researchers confirmed the link between processed meats and colorectal cancer. So, what should we do?