DepressionInfo Center
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Does a Tummy Ache Indicate Heart Ache?
A tummy ache is one of the classic childhood complaints that lands children in the school nurse's office. But the real source of the pain may be somewhere else.
Mental Health Can Affect Your Heart
Many physical health and lifestyle factors are considered when determining a person's risk of heart disease. Did you know that your mental health history could be equally as important?
She's Gone Country — and She's Happy
City life can be more chaotic than country living, with the honking horns, sirens and lights late into the night. Perhaps the more hectic environments of urban areas explain recent findings related to postpartum depression.
Lifestyles of the Happy
Depression and anxiety can be difficult to overcome, and medications can often help. Some lifestyle changes may help, as well.
How Mom's State of Mind Affects Obesity
It can be challenging to raise children to be healthy, nutritious eaters. It may be tougher when mom has her own challenges to face. But options are available to help with both.
What Tossin' and Turnin' Really Means
Tossing and turning and having trouble sleeping well may be signs of having anxiety. But could it indicate depression as well? Or could depression cause sleeping problems?
World Looking Golden in the Golden Years
The 1993 comedy "Grumpy Old Men" played on the stereotype that with old age comes unhappiness. These days, the reality may be much different. Seniors appear to be growing older more happily than in the past.
The Depression Isn't All in Your Head
Depression is thought of as a mental disorder, but it can affect the rest of the body too. Having symptoms of depression may be linked to risks for other diseases.
Doctors May Miss a Beat with A-Fib Patients
Heart rhythm doctors who treat atrial fibrillation may not always be on the same page as patients when it comes to evaluating patient depression and other quality of life factors.
Not So Happy With Troubled Bladders
Some adults can't wait very long between trips to the bathroom. Many can handle their condition better than others. But some might feel embarrassed and a few might even be depressed.