DepressionInfo Center

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Mindfulness in Schools
Teaching kids how to cope with the everyday stress of school and life may promote emotional well-being. Mindfulness coping strategies may also work to reduce depression.
Good News for Daycare Blues
Some moms may feel guilty about taking their children to daycare instead of staying home with them. But new research may help them feel better, especially if moms have depression symptoms.
Weakened Immunity Disrupts Mood
Bodies in top-notch shape internally tend to defend themselves against infection and a variety of disease. When those inner defenses are down, however, body and mind alike can suffer.
Thinking of Suicide After Being Bullied
Bullying in schools has gained a lot of media attention due to the high number of teenage suicides in recent years. Many of these suicide victims were lesbian or gay victims of bullying.
Postpartum Depression in Women With PMS
Many women experience symptoms of depression after giving birth. Women that experience premenstrual syndrome (PMS) may have a higher risk for developing depression after delivery.
High Anxiety About Being Cancer-Free
The depression that may accompany a potentially life-threatening disease often disappears when a cancer patient's illness goes into remission. But, instead of being depressed, many long-term cancer survivors develop anxiety over whether the illness will return, a new study says.
College Health 101: Depression & Anxiety
College may be an emotionally exciting and challenging time for students. But if these challenges prove overwhelming, students should seek help for any mental health issues they experience.
Depression Likelier in Abused New Moms
Bringing home a new baby is stressful on its own. But throw in the anxiety of an abusive relationship and depression may follow.
More Than One Way To Treat Depression
There are a bunch of different types of therapies available to help people with depression. Some may help more than others, but any of the therapies tested in a new study may be better than none.
Closing in on Ketamine Therapy
Relief from symptoms of major depression can be hard to find. But doctors have been repurposing an anesthesia medication in experiments to find rapid relief for patients with major depression.