DepressionInfo Center
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When High School Really IS Depressing
There is no shortage of teenagers who will tell you their high school is a depressing place. But some of them may be on to something.
Unstable Homes, Less Stable Minds
A variety of factors can contribute to attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Among these may be violence in the home and depression in children's parents.
Depression Rx Putting a Hurt on Sex
Depression can be crippling. Anti-depressants can help lift the dark cloud of symptoms. But these medications may also put a damper on a patient's sex life.
Depression and Anxiety Linked to Jaw Pain
Many factors are associated with jaw pain including genetics, environment and personal habits. Depression and anxiety also play a role in jaw pain, but to what degree is not fully understood.
PTSD May Produce Sexual Health Issues
Veterans returning from combat can find it hard to adjust to their old lives. Many Iraq and Afghanistan veterans have experienced traumatic events, which can lead to post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) and depression.
Being Supportive Can Make a Difference
When someone close to you is diagnosed with heart failure, they may become depressed and have trouble dealing with stress. But being supportive could lessen their depression and may even improve their health.
Can SSRI’s Help Recovery From Stroke?
Antidepressants can be very helpful for people with depression. Selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors ( SSRIs ), a type of antidepressant, may help people recover from a stroke.
Does Depression Impact Stroke Recovery?
Recovering from stroke can be hard. New research suggests that mental health may affect recovery from a stroke.
Sex, Teen Girls and the Internet
It's no secret that the Internet is full of sex – and sexual predators. This environment presents risks to teenagers especially, but some are more at risk than others.
Sleep, Baby, Sleep… And Stay Asleep
Some debates never seem to have hope for resolution. One of those may be the discussion of whether parents should let babies cry themselves to sleep or not.