DepressionInfo Center

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Bruises on the Outside – and the Inside
Domestic abuse has been linked to all kinds of other health problems, including mental illness. The question is how strong the link is between victimization and mental health.
Worrying Your Way to a Heart Attack?
People with depressive symptoms have an increased risk of heart attacks and developing heart disease. For those who already have heart problems, stress and depression can worsen their health.
Being On the Down Low May Not Help
Bisexual men often hide their sexual orientation more often than gay men, according to research. They also tend to have poorer mental health. Is there a connection between the two?
Smoking? Lying Around? Bad For Your Heart!
Having heart disease and depression can increase the risk of heart attacks and death. Research suggests that up to 40 percent of heart disease patients experience depressive symptoms.
Junior Seau Suffered Brain Disease
Star NFL linebacker Junior Seau's suicide last year stunned the nation. Now scientists have found he suffered from a brain disease probably caused by a career of hits to his head.
Depression After Youth Cancer Battle
Does having cancer while growing up increase the odds of depression later in life? If so, there’s no shame in reaching out for help with mental health issues.
More Grim News for Gridiron?
Football has always been a dangerous game. Now researchers are learning more about the long-term effects professional players may be experiencing from career-related head injuries.
Dad, Don't Suck it Up
Mental illness often runs in families. Children are generally at a higher risk for a mental disorder if a parent has one. These patterns can show up very early in children's lives.
Another Puzzle Piece for Expectant Moms
Untreated mental disorders are linked to newborn complications in pregnant women. But taking psychiatric medication has risks too. Again, the old question: What, then, to do?
Major Depression Does Vary by Age & Gender
Everybody gets a little blue from time to time, but major depressive episodes can be an indicator of future troubles. Recognizing symptoms and getting help early may make a difference.