DepressionInfo Center

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Financial Markets Get SAD
The financial markets are constantly in a state of flux, with great highs in the bull markets alternating with lows and even crashes or recessions.
Feel Blue, Green and Red?
Pain will come and go for most people, but it can be more intense if you suffer depression and/or anxiety. Treating these problems can be difficult but experts provide some tips.
Mind Influenced by Moody Gardens
Everyone has easy and hard times in their life that might cause feelings of anxiety or depression, but it’s not just genes that affect those moods. The environment has a part as well.
When the Baby Blues Turn Serious
Having a baby can be an emotional roller-coaster: the incomparable joy at welcoming new life into the world, combined with changing routines, feelings of being overwhelmed, and lack of sleep.
Younger Americans More Depressed?
For many people, the onset of depression comes later in life. Depression in older people is closely related to dependence and disability, and many people become depressed into their 80s and 90s.
The Good Buzzed Life
Millions, if not billions of people around the world grab a cup of coffee to start their day. Did you ever stop to think it might be boosting your spirits while keeping you awake?
Women may be Hard-Wired for Depression
In the battle of the sexes, women clearly lose when it comes to depression. Women have twice the rates of depressive disorders than men, and the medical and psychological communities have been trying to figure out why for years.
Suicidal Teens Not Getting Enough Help
The teenage years are rarely easy for anyone, but for many it can be a time of severe depression or anxiety, even leading to suicidal thoughts.
From Depression to Diabetes With Love
Depression takes a toll on more than your mind. It can also hurt your body. It is even possible that depression early in life may be linked to diabetes later on.
Getting Your Bell Rung
With football season in full swing, it's time to get reacquainted with concussions: what to expect, how to treat and when to return to action.