DepressionInfo Center
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Do you Really Know if You're Depressed?
Depression is so difficult to track, and the daunting task is generally left to primary care doctors. A new tool is available to help both doctors and patients uncover depression risks.
The Genetics of Depression
It's long been thought that depression runs in families. New research strengthens the theory that genes do in fact play a major role in this mental illness.
Driving Under the Influence of Depression
Teens are not known as the safest drivers on the road. Far from it. Add anxiety or depression, and their driving becomes even riskier. A new study shows that young drivers who experience anxiety and depression are at risk of being risky drivers.
Too Depressed to Take Pills
Being depressed affects just about everything, including focus and energy. New research shows that depressed people tend not to take medications for their other conditions.
Children Get Better When Their Moms Feel Better
The children of depressed mothers often have behavior problems. Now it's known than when moms feel better, their kids behave and do better, too.
Global Look at Bipolar Disorder
Bipolar disorder and symptoms are found throughout the world, but people throughout the world may not have access to mental health treatment.
New Perspective on Depression
Being blue is no fun. Anyone will tell you that. But new research says people with major depression may actually have superior reasoning skills.
Millions of Depressed Youngsters
Depression among teens is an epidemic. Nearly 2 million adolescents in the U.S. suffered major depression in 2009. And most never got help.
Beating the Baby Blues With Fish Oil
The omega-3s found in fish oil are known to be good for the heart and the brain. These healthy nutrients may be particularly healthful for moms-to-be.
Mood Crystal Ball
If you're thinking dark thoughts, your mood isn't likely to be very bright. If you're behaving in a way that's not very uplifting, you probably aren't going to feel good. And if you think can't control your moods, well chances are - you can't.