Healthy Eating and DietInfo Center
At The Medicine Shoppe® Pharmacies, we are dedicated to providing products and services to care for your family’s wellness. One of those services is health news you can trust. Use the filters to focus on the information that is important to you, then bookmark this page to make it a regular stop anytime you’re online.
Children Cardiovascular Disease Risks
Before the age of video games and the internet, children spent most of their time outdoors running and playing. Now children are spending vast amounts of time in the house watching TV or playing on the computer.
Breast Cancer, Genes, and Environment
“Baby, you were born this way” is a newer phrase coined by Lady Gaga - for the most part you were born with a set of genes that make you look a certain way. Maybe not though!
Live Longer with Fewer Calories
Many have heard that restricting calories is good for your health and may also make you live longer. Most of the research that proved this has been done on animals, but not anymore!
Turn Off Obesity and Diabetes
Wouldn’t it be nice if we could just turn off a gene in our body so that we don’t have to watch what we eat or exercise? Life would be so simple if only that were possible.
Improve Cholesterol and LDL With Information
It is not easy to live healthy especially with so little information. There are some obvious factors that benefit health, but sometimes a little more information can go a long way.
That's Music to My Ears
There's nothing we can do to stop the process of aging, but there are some ways we can slow it down. People often times complain about hearing and memory loss. Well, music training can help.
Spoonful of Sugar Will Make Bacteria Go Away
Sugar can be added to anything to make it sweeter. We all know that candy is the number one "medication" for all children. Adults like sweets just as much as children do.
Drive Less, Lose More Weight
What part of your day is spent driving in a car? For most Americans, driving is the main mode of transportation to get to and from work.
In Which Season were you Born?
People plan their weddings, vacations, or even anniversaries during specific seasons for specific reasons. What about a child’s birth?
Recover Faster
People fall, trip, or slip all the time, but what happens when you twist, tear, or break something? Recovery time for injuries that impair muscle function can vary greatly.