Healthy Eating and DietInfo Center

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Pregnancy Nutrition Report
Sometimes pregnant women go overboard with weight gain because they believe they're eating for two. A new study shows that the extra weight gain may have a direct impact on the baby's future health.
Eye Deal in Stem Cells
Transforming cells to serve another purpose is inching toward reality. Scientists are now able to turn adult stem cells into eye cells that have been corrupted during age-related macular degeneration (AMD).
Overweight and Under the Knife
Past studies have shown that obese people have a lower risk of complications after surgery. However, new research shows that obese people with related health problems like high blood pressure and diabetes are more likely to have problems after surgery.
Going Nuts for Weight Loss
It is already known that pistachios are very low in fat. Now, new research shows that these nuts are even healthier than previously thought. In fact, pistachios are not only good for watching your weight, but also good for your heart.
Parents Packing on the Pounds
Alert! Parents are putting on the pounds. Not to blame anyone, but parents of young children tend to get a bit fleshy. Most days, Mom and Dad are just too darn busy to squeeze exercise into their  day.
Disease-Fighting Fruit Juice
While it is known that eating fruits and vegetables is good for us, it is unclear if drinking their juices has the same health benefits. Researchers have found a link between drinking juice and a lower risk of certain chronic diseases.
Drug Combo Cuts Pounds
While some drugs work well on their own, patients sometimes see better results from taking multiple drugs. Researchers have found that a combination of two already approved pharmaciutical medications helps obese people shed pounds.
Vegan Mainstream Advocates for Change
Like the big shrimp they are trying to avoid, vegan mainstream is becoming a new oxymoron. Even boxer Mike Tyson came out as a pigeon loving vegan this year, landing him a gig on The Animal Planet TV show.
Weighting Out Your Option
After a breast cancer diagnosis, survivors should increase their recovery chances by keeping their weight in check. While most women do not gain a great deal of weight after a breast cancer diagnosis, the ones that do are increasing their risk for a reoccurence.
Disease Fighting Tangerines
Tangerines are not just deliciously sweet fruits, they are also good for you. New research shows that tangerines can help protect against obesity and other health problems.