Healthy Eating and DietInfo Center

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Tying Your Tummy
While most patients are satisfied after gastric banding surgery, experts say that the long-term results of the Lap-Band® weight loss surgery are not as strong as they should be.
Obesity Causes Post-Menopausal Women Problems
Obesity contributes to so many health problems that it seems impossible to list all of them. Results from a recent study now add to that list of diseases that are caused, at least partially, by obesity.
Spring Break, Bro!
Every year, college students around the U.S. plan to party hard during spring break. The understandings that these students have with their friends about alcohol and sex are predictors of their behavior.
Mommy, Let's have Lunch!
The healthy development of your baby starts in the womb, a fact that has been reinforced by a new study, which found a new factor that contributes to a person's risk of becoming obese.
Fighting Cancer with Infection
University of Minnesota researchers have discovered an unlikely way to help cancer patients using salmonella - a bacteria that causes thousands of food borne illnesses in the United States each year.
Sugary Drinks Put on the Pressure
Patients with high blood pressure already have to watch their salt intake. Now, new research suggests that they may also have to pay attention to the sugar in their drinks.
Indian Food Can Help Fight Colon Cancer?
Turmeric, a spice belonging to the ginger root family and commonly found in Indian cuisine, has been shown to help fight colon cancer, according to a new study.
An Apple a Day Doesn't Keep Just the Doctor Away
An antioxidant in apples appears to extend the lives of test animals by some 10 percent, according to a new study.
Double Up on Vitamin D
Adults need around 4,000 to 8,000 IU daily of vitamin D to maintain levels of healthful vitamin D metabolites in the range needed to reduce the risk of several diseases by about half.
The First Step is Your Doctor Admitting That You Have a Problem
Doctors who tell their patients that they are obese have a significant impact on the patients’ ability to first, realize that they are overweight, and second, to take action and lose weight.