Lung CancerInfo Center
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Screening Can Stop a Killer
More people die from lung cancer than any other type of cancer. CT scanning, however, can spot cancer in its earliest stages, so patients can get treatment to help wipe out the disease.
Dual Methods Sharpen Cancer Diagnosis
Lung lesions found through X-rays or CT scans may be a sign of cancer. While a bronchoscopy can give doctors a better picture, an additional gene test can help rule out cancer. Combining these tests appears to be a winning combination.
Is Cancer Diagnosis Just a Breath Away?
Many people have small growths of tissue in their lungs called nodules. While most are harmless, they can be cancerous. A new breath test may provide a simple means of diagnosis.
Quit Smoking to Save Your Life
In case you haven't heard, smoking is bad for your health. The evidence keeps piling up that smoking can kill you. The good news is that quitting means a longer life.
Blood Test Spots Who Benefits From Drug
The anti-cancer drug erlotinib ( Tarceva ) may slow or stop cancer depending on the type and extent of the disease. A blood test can help patients find out how they will respond to the drug.
A Welcome Skin Rash
For most people, getting a rash would not be good news. For elderly patients with advanced non-small cell lung cancer, however, a rash may indicate a likelihood of living longer.
Want To Live 10 Years Longer?
It’s no secret that smoking is bad for a person’s health. But what are the real risks? Keep reading for the exact odds of smoking-related health problems in over a million women.
Diesel Fuels Lung Cancer Risk
Those who live near highways, truck drivers and others who breathe in diesel fumes may be more likely to get lung cancer. A large study of trucking industry workers has recently found that cumulative exposure to diesel exhaust increases the likelihood of dying from lung cancer.
Blood Test May Sound Early Cancer Alarm
Finding lung cancer early can save a life. Screening options, however, are costly, invasive or both. An altered protein, found in the blood, may be key to a simpler, more affordable option.
In the Cancer Game Quitters Are Winners
Why bother quitting smoking if you already have lung cancer? A recent report claims that patients can benefit from stopping even in the later stages of the disease.