Lung CancerInfo Center
At The Medicine Shoppe® Pharmacies, we are dedicated to providing products and services to care for your family’s wellness. One of those services is health news you can trust. Use the filters to focus on the information that is important to you, then bookmark this page to make it a regular stop anytime you’re online.
Marriage Improves Lung Cancer
Scientists may have trouble proving it in a lab, but marital support helps cancer patients live longer. How can this be translated to help unmarried patients?
Smoker Vs. Never-Smoker Lung Cancer
Lung cancer patients who never smoked may be treated differently in the future than those who have smoked. That’s because smoking changes a person’s genes – a lot.
Lung Cancer Survival and Ethnicity
What could possibly make death rates for foreign- and U.S.-born Hispanics with lung cancer patients different? Well, it’s not genetic differences, so what could it be?
One Large Step in the Small-Cell Lung Cancer Journey
There are two major types of lung cancer. The most common type is called non-small cell lung cancer. Small cell lung cancer makes up only about 15 percent of the 226,000 cases of lung cancer diagnosed in the US every year. New treatments for this more aggressive lung cancer may be on the horizon.
Lung Risk in Diabetes Drug of Choice
Along the road to improving diabetes care, both doctors and scientists have disagreed about which treatments are best. Now, there is disagreement about the safety of one of the most common diabetes drugs.
What Your Oncologist Won't Tell You
You know that exercise is good for you. This is true for just about any time in your life – some form of movement does a body good. Staying active is especially important during cancer treatment – but don’t wait for your doctor to tell you so.
Growing Environmental Crisis in Louisiana
A widening sinkhole in the tiny Louisiana town of Bayou Corne - about an hour west of New Orleans - is releasing dangerous levels of radiation. The situation grows more hazardous with the approach of Hurricane Isaac.
New Lung Cancer Screening Recommendations
If you've been a decades-long smoker, you need to be screened for lung cancer. Any doctor will tell you that. Now a task force has compiled formal lung cancer screening guidelines.
Jamming the Lung Cancer Revolving Door
One of the unfortunate aspects of lung cancer is that it tends to have a high rate of recurrence. It can be treated successfully only to return, and that return often comes far too soon.
Are Cancer Drugs Improving?
The enormous number of drugs available at the pharmacy begins to make sense when you realize that a lot of these drugs are related. Some scientists feel that despite these offerings, there's always room for improvement.