Nervous SystemInfo Center

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A Link Between Smoking and Bacteria
The dangers of secondhand smoke for children can often show up in unexpected ways. Even some bacterial illnesses can pose a higher risk to children if they're around secondhand smoke.
Post-Surgery Check Prevents Complications
Surgically removing benign tumors at the base of the brain can lead to complications. A quick post-surgery evaluation of voice and swallowing may identify problems.
Meningitis Vaccine Gets Boost in Europe
A European agency has taken a step toward approving a new meningitis vaccine. It will be the first vaccine for all age groups for a particularly deadly and common strain of meningitis.
CDC Urges Vigilance About Meningitis
The number of fungal meningitis cases linked to three lots of spinal injections from the New England Compounding Company ( NECC ) has reached 354 with 25 deaths and an additional seven people experiencing peripheral joint infections.
Meningitis Outbreak Continues to Grow
The list of people affected by a recent meningitis outbreak keeps growing. As of Thursday, the list reaches a total of 170 cases in 11 states, with 14 dead.
Get Your Measles Booster With The Milk
Getting your flu shot — and nine other common vaccines — just became a bit more convenient. No need to hassle with a doctor appointment. Just drop by Walmart.
H1N1 Vaccine Linked to Nervous Disorder
One of the conditions known to be a risk following some flu vaccinations is the autoimmune disease Guillain-Barre syndrome.
More Meningitis Protection on the Way
The tricky thing about protecting people against bacterial meningitis is that so many different strains exist and the current vaccines protects against only a couple. A couple vaccines exist for specific strains of meningococcal serogroup B, which causes bacterial meningitis, but a vaccine that protects against this whole class of strains is not yet available. The conclusion of a recent trial for a vaccine that would protect people against a wide range of bacterial meningitis strains showed both good levels of effectiveness and a good safety record. Be sure you're up to date on...
Brain Imaging Study Surprises Scientists
Getting the right diagnosis and treatment for disorders of the brain's connectivity and signaling can be a challenge. However, surprising results from a new imaging study may offer hope.
Calm Your Nerves about Pre-Diabetes
In almost all cases, people have prediabetes before they develop type 2 diabetes. Like diabetes, prediabetes has been linked to complications such as nerve damage. Now, new research may break that link.