ObesityInfo Center

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Bigger Women May Seek Smaller Cuts
There is more than one way for a woman to get a hysterectomy, the procedure that removes a woman's uterus. Overweight women may want to explore those options.
Stay Up Late, Eat More
The risk of becoming overweight if you don't get enough sleep has been known for a while among researchers. The question is what might be the cause of possible weight gain for sleep-deprived folks.
Can Obese Teens Hear the Message?
Obesity has been linked to a wide range of health issues, even in children and teens. One of those issues may be greater risk for hearing loss.
The Depression Isn't All in Your Head
Depression is thought of as a mental disorder, but it can affect the rest of the body too. Having symptoms of depression may be linked to risks for other diseases.
Talking to Teens About Weight & Size
Talking to teenagers about weight can be tough. Taking the conversation in the wrong direction may trigger unhealthy dieting behaviors.
The Weight on the Joints
When pain from arthritis hits the joints, it can be hard to deal with. Patients can get a better grip on their joint pain if they take control of their weight.
Clues to Weight in Certain Plastics
Plastics have made life easier for millions of people across the world. Yet some plastics may contain compounds, like BPA, that are linked to health issues.
Being Big with an Early Baby
When a woman becomes pregnant, her health affects her and her baby both. Being overweight or obese can also play a part in how a woman's pregnancy goes.
It Takes a Village for Kids to Lose Weight
If it takes a village to raise a child, does it take a village to keep that child from becoming overweight? What happens when people in the community create a program aimed at children?
Shedding Pounds Between Babies
Being overweight while pregnant can increase several health risks. But after you have your baby, it's not too late to try to lose the pounds if you want to have another.