ObesityInfo Center

At The Medicine Shoppe® Pharmacies, we are dedicated to providing products and services to care for your family’s wellness. One of those services is health news you can trust. Use the filters to focus on the information that is important to you, then bookmark this page to make it a regular stop anytime you’re online.

High Body Weight, More Joint Surgery
Osteoarthritis, known as “wear and tear” arthritis, affects more than 20 million people in the US. Avoiding undue stress on your joints early on makes a huge difference in old age.   
Next Gen Troubles from Smoking Moms
Smoking is a known health hazard for pregnancies. But being exposed to smoke in utero may follow a baby girl into her own pregnancy when she grows up.
Hyperactive Now, Obese Later?
It is challenging enough to manage a mental or developmental disorder such as attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). But there may be long-term consequences to manage as well.
One Breath Says All About Kids' Weight
Kids' breath can tell a lot about what they ate or how well they care for their teeth. The molecules that make up their breath might also reveal whether they are at risk for being overweight or obese.
If You Offer It, They Will Drink It
It's no secret that drinking too much Coke or Gatorade can add inches to kids' waistlines. But where they get those drinks might make a difference in how much they drink them.
One Meal, Half a Day's Calories
Warnings against overeating fast foods have been issued for a while now. But that's not the only kind of away-from-home dining with potential pitfalls. 
Slim Down or Pay Up
It’s a topic that is sure to spark debate – is making obese adults pay more for health insurance unless they commit to a healthier lifestyle coercive and discriminatory or is it fair and good for society? And given the choice, will people make healthy changes or will they hand over the cash?
Heavyweight Drinkers
Heavy drinking can burden anyone’s liver. But in people who are also overweight, heavy drinking may really push the liver past its limits.
Prostate Cancer May Prefer Big Men
Obesity increases a person’s risk of a variety of cancers. This connection now appears to affect men who have been tested for and found not to have prostate cancer.
Your Child Is What You Eat
Parents may feel frustrated trying to help their obese teenagers control their weight. Restricting their food may seem like a good option, but it can backfire.