Rectal CancerInfo Center
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High Blood Glucose Levels Associated With Cancer
Having too much sugar in your blood, even if you are not diabetic, is considered unhealthy. And there may be an association between having high blood sugar levels and developing a serious health condition.
Screening for Colorectal Cancer May Reduce Risk, Death
Colorectal cancers are often highly treatable and preventable, particularly with regular screenings. One type of screening may reduce the rate of these cancers.
Milk May Be Good for Colorectal Cancer Survivors
Dairy, calcium and vitamin D have been shown to help prevent colorectal cancer. But can they help people who’ve already had colorectal cancer?
More Colon Cancer Screenings, Fewer Cancers
What does it take to save a half million people from a terrible disease? Getting the word out and encouraging people to come in for screenings, it seems.
Colorectal Cancer Screening Still Cost-Effective Past 75 For Some
Experts recommend that people stop getting screened for colorectal cancer after the age of 75. But that recommendation only applies to people who have been adequately screened — so what about those who have never been screened?
Aspirin May Reduce Colon Cancer Risk for Some
Aspirin can sooth a headache and reduce the risk of heart attack. Now, a new study has looked at how it may help lower the risk of one common form of cancer.
Older Patients Fared Worse After Colorectal Cancer Surgery
Though cancer presents a difficult road ahead for most people, new research suggests that older patients with colorectal cancer may face more challenges than younger patients.
Lifestyle Now May Affect Colon Cancer Survival Later
Healthy diet and lifestyle choices reduce the risk for many diseases. What effect these pre-diagnosis choices have on survival after colon and rectal cancer has become clearer.
High Fiber Intake May Lower Colon Tumor Risk
Adding fiber to your diet is generally a healthy choice. It seems that fiber also may decrease the risk of getting a particular kind of colon tumor.
FITs Fit the Bill for Detecting 79% of Colorectal Cancers
The gold standard for detecting colorectal cancer is the colonoscopy, which provides an internal view of the entire colon. At home fecal sample tests are also available, but how accurate are they?