Thyroid CancerInfo Center
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New Cancer Management Guidelines Published
Every year, nearly 56,500 Americans are diagnosed with thyroid cancer. About 2 percent of those cases are a rare but fierce type called anaplastic thyroid cancer.
Which Cancer Scan is Best?
With cancer, catching its growth early is always best. Accurate diagnostic tools like scans can mean the difference between catching or missing cancer and whether or not the cancer has spread.
Whoa Now: Only Cut the Cancer
Better safe than sorry is a great motto, but it may not apply to removal of extra, non-cancerous lymph nodes in thyroid cancer surgery. Research suggests leaving the healthy ones intact.
Another Try At Reducing Thyroid Removals
Italian scientists used a super microscope to find a particular protein that may be associated with thyroid cancer. They found it, but is it really an accurate indicator for cancer?
Can Vitamin E Prevent Cancer?
The rare disorder called Cowden Syndrome causes tumor-like growths all over the body. People with the condition are at risk of developing breast and thyroid cancers, among others. Research is making strides in changing those odds.
No Cookie Cutter Methods
Standard surgical guidelines are put in place to encourage the best possible results for patients. What are acceptable reasons for not following those approved guidelines?
How Old is Old with Thyroid Cancer?
Most treatment plans for papillary thyroid cancer take a patient’s age into consideration. New research suggests that there may be no reason to use 45 years of age as a measurement point, as age 65 might be a better marker to start therapy.
One Cancer is Enough
Children and young adult patients have really great chances against thyroid cancer. However, a common treatment may cause big problems down the road.
Easy On The Radioactive Iodine
It’s understandable that doctors want to treat cancer with every weapon in the arsenal. But, in the case of the most common type of thyroid cancer—the big guns may not be necessary.
Socioeconomics & Thyroid Cancer
Studies have indicated that people with money and insurance have higher rates of thyroid cancer. Turns out—they just go to the doctor sooner.