Thyroid CancerInfo Center
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Put Down That Surgical Knife
Who wants to have part of their thyroid removed if they don’t actually have cancer? The good news is that the knives may be going away when it comes to diagnosing cancer in the future.
Measuring Blood Vessel "Bendiness"
Have you ever heard of the word "bendiness?" We have not either. Yet scientists are using this term to describe the twists and turns of blood vessels, because too much bendiness may mean a serious bend in one's health.
Thyroid Cancer Outfoxed
A molecule called FOXO3a was thought to be a keen cancer fighter. Instead, when it comes to thyroid cancer, it's actually a fox in the hen house.
Test May Prevent Unnecessary Thyroid Surgeries
When a suspicious lump or nodule is found on the thyroid, biopsies can be performed to determine whether or not it's cancerous. If there's a question, the next step usually involves surgery.
The State of Thyroid Cancer
Any cancer diagnosis is frightening. A research study shows that newly diagnosed thyroid cancer patients may lead normal lives after treatment.
Thyroid Cancer Guidelines Still Make Sense
Sometimes the quick march of molecular science leaves behind the clinical world, with rapid advances in laboratory work taking time to filter through journals and into use.
Obesity Advances Thyroid Cancer
The increase in thyroid cancer seen recently may be related to the obesity epidemic. This hasn't been clinically proven, but the trends are similar.
Thyroid Cancer Rx Adverse Effects
Patients with advanced medullary thyroid cancer ( MTC ) have few treatment options. A medication approved last year has expanded the options. All is not well, though. The drug has adverse effects that can interfere with its use.
Removing Lymph Nodes with Thyroid Cancers
Cancer surgery is a fine line between removing too little and leaving cancer behind, and removing too much at cost to the patient's quality of life.
Thyroid Cancer Attacks Minorities
Results from one study show that despite a lower overall rate of thyroid cancer, African-Americans are generally diagnosed with a higher grade of cancer than in Caucasian populations.