Violence PreventionInfo Center

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Battle Wounds of Bullying
More and more research is looking at the long-term harm of bullying. In some cases, severe bullying may play a part in post-traumatic stress syndrome.
Mediating the Effects of Child Abuse
Are there factors that can help protect victims of child abuse from developing issues as adults? New research says yes, and marriage and education may play a role.
Using Alcohol to Cope With Bullying
Being bullied at school, which is supposed to be a safe place, can spark the need to cope. Some teens are turning to alcohol after bullying incidents. Researchers say this is not a good mix.
These Are the Kids to Watch
No doubt bullying and child abuse are serious issues, especially for kids and teens. Even worse, they can sometimes be a matter of life and death.
Mom's Response to Abuse at Home
Domestic violence is a complex issue; it not only affects people physically, but mentally and emotionally as well.
Bullies Need Love Too
Most of the discussion about bullying focuses on a bully's victims. But the bullies themselves may be dealing with their own issues which contribute to their bad behavior.
Can't Blame it All on the Internet
With all the news about cyberbullying and suicide, it may seem cyberspace is more dangerous than the school playground these days. But there's more than meets the eye in the hype.
Sports Fans Lash Out
Team spirit is one thing. Getting into angry rages and fights over a sporting event is another. What happens when fandom goes too far?
Child Abuse Injuries Increased Slightly
Child abuse in general has been declining over the past decade, which is great news. Now it's time for the rate of serious injuries resulting from child abuse to decline as well.
Impact of Abuse is Far-Reaching
The long-term psychological effects of rape are not news. But women who are raped often suffer in many less obvious and unseen ways.