Violence PreventionInfo Center

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Links Between Child Abuse and Obesity
It's not uncommon to find that psychological and physical conditions are entwined. This can especially occur with different types of trauma or abuse.
Good News About US Children
Ready for some good news about kids today? An annual federal report on children's well-being in the US has a lot of it, from birth outcomes to school performance to deaths.
Trauma of Violence Runs Deep for Kids
A child, like an adult, does not need to experience violence to be affected by it. Just witnessing violent events can affect a child's mental health - and possibly physical health, too.
Dating Violence Overlooked in Schools
Patterns of interpersonal relationships developed in the adolescent years often form the foundation of adult relationships throughout life. Hence, a rocky start is cause for concern.
Stopping Child Abuse Before it Occurs
An important step toward preventing child abuse is identifying those children who are at the greatest risk for being abused. Looking at the household as a whole can provide clues.
Teens & Angry Outbursts
A lot of kids react to triggers with extreme levels of anger and aggression. Catching early warning signs and starting treatment early may provide the best outcome.
Are Lesbians in More Danger Than Straight Women?
Did you know that lesbian and bisexual women report the highest rates of abuse and assault among women? A focus on gender presentation within this group may lead to better support methods.
Should You Spank Your Child?
Discipline of children is a notoriously controversial topic. The effectiveness of spanking and other forms of physical punishment have been debated for years. Is there a better form of discipline?
Working to Improve Foster Kids' Lives
Moving from one family to the next in the foster system doesn't leave much opportunity for building relationships with individual foster families. A new program aims to help this.
What Cat Litter & Suicide Have in Common
Among the various things pregnant women generally should avoid is changing kitty litter, which may seem oddly random in a list with alcohol, undercooked meat, soft cheeses and smoking.