CardiovascularInfo Center
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The Dangers of Energy Drinks
How many energy drinks can young adults safely drink per day? The answer may surprise you.
The Importance of Aspirin Allergy Testing
Aspirin has an impressive list of potential health benefits, but new evidence suggests that many patients are told to discontinue this low-cost, effective therapy without good cause.
Sing F.A.S.T. to End Stroke
What if learning and sharing a simple song could save a life?
What Surgical Patients Need to Know About Statins
Despite recent recommendations from heart health experts, many patients may still be discontinuing their cholesterol medications before non-cardiac surgery.
FDA OKs Hyperkalemia Rx
A new medication could help patients with a serious condition called hyperkalemia.
FDA Warns Against Imported Dietary Supplements
Consumers, beware! Imported products marketed as "dietary supplements" or "herbal alternatives" to prescription drugs may do you more harm than good.
How Work Stress Could Harm Your Health
Is work stress putting you at risk of having a meltdown? It may be putting your health at risk, too.
Metabolic Syndrome — A Cardiac Crystal Ball?
A new test may be able to predict whether a child is at risk of heart disease — long before he or she ever develops it.
Gender Differences in Heart Attack Survivors
Heart attack survivors are routinely prescribed a cocktail of medications to prevent another cardiac event. But for young women, the situation may be a bit more complicated.
Spreading the Word About Thrombosis
After fracturing her ankle and getting a cast, South African athlete Marie-Victoire Cumming began feeling extreme discomfort in her leg. What she didn't know was that she had a potentially life-threatening condition called deep vein thrombosis.