ExerciseInfo Center

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The Benefits of an Active Commute
Compared to taking a car or bus to work, walking or riding your bike might significantly improve your health, according to a new study.
What Really Helps Older Patients with Heart Disease
For older adults with heart disease, physical activity is key to staying independent and promoting heart health, according to a statement from the American Heart Association (AHA).
How to Help Prevent Heart Failure
Lifestyle choices may help prevent heart failure, including a type that's usually resistant to available therapies, a new study found.
Keeping Breast Cancer from Coming Back
Physical activity may be the most important lifestyle choice in helping to keep breast cancer from coming back, according to a new study.
When Using Your Head Might Hurt
Usually, using your head is a good thing. But using your head in soccer may be hazardous, according to a new study.
The Risks of Football for Student Athletes
Around 1.1 million high school and 75,000 college student athletes play tackle football each year in the United States. And that puts them at risk of serious injuries.
The Health Benefits for Weekend Warriors
Cramming the recommended amount of weekly physical activity into one or two sessions may still lower your risk of death, according to a new study.
Teens and Muscle-Building Supplements
Although muscle-building supplements are not recommended in teenagers younger than 18, teens may have easy access to them, a new study found.
How Walking Might Help Those on Dialysis
A home-based walking program could benefit patients on dialysis both physically and mentally, a new study found.
The Best Exercises for a Long Life
In general, exercise can boost heart health and help you live a long life, but some types of exercise may be better than others, a new study found.