ExerciseInfo Center

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Weight Loss: Diet With a Side of Exercise
Exercise is important when you're trying to lose weight, but it may not be the only factor.
Exercise to the Rescue for Menopause Relief
A sedentary lifestyle is bad thing for just about everyone, but it may be especially harmful to menopausal women.
Diabetes: How Teen Stress Could Predict Adult Risk
Many people believe that a positive mindset can help them overcome disease. New evidence suggests that the power of the mind-body connection may not only be real, it may also be a two-way street.
How Regular Exercise Affects Longevity
Couch potatoes, arise and exercise — you have everything to gain, especially when it comes to heart health.
Healthy Teen, Healthier Adult
Teen habits could cast long shadows for men when it comes to high blood pressure (hypertension).
Depressed? Here's Another Reason to Work Out
The idea that exercise could help depressed patients isn't a new one. But what could be a new idea is that it could also help their hearts.
Work It Out for Low Back Pain
Lower back pain is one of the most common health conditions worldwide. But a little exercise may be able to help.
Why Heart Failure Patients Shouldn't Give Up
Even if you happened to wait until after a heart failure diagnosis to think about a healthy diet and exercise plan, it may not be too late.
How Fit Are Young Teens?
As teen obesity rates climb, the role of schools in shaping students' exercise habits has come under intense scrutiny. And there may be a good reason why.
Life's Simple 7: More Than Heart Health
The American Heart Association (AHA) has identified seven simple steps people can take to reduce their risk of heart disease. But new evidence suggests that the AHA's "Life's Simple 7" may wind up benefiting much more than patients' hearts. {C}