ExerciseInfo Center

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Why Athletes Should Keep an Eye on Their Eyes
In sports, keeping your eyes safe may be just as important as keeping your eyes on the ball, according to a new study.
To Manage Diabetes, Take a Walk
Taking a brief walk after meals may help patients with type 2 diabetes manage their blood sugar more effectively, a new study found.
Wearables May Not Mean More Weight Loss
Are wearable technologies for monitoring and tracking physical activity and diet worth it? Maybe not, according to a new study.
What Your Workout Is Worth
Getting your workouts in may mean health care savings, according to a new study.
Sitting All Day? Set Aside an Hour
An hour of exercise each day may be enough to counter the ill health effects of sitting for eight hours or more, a new study found.
The Benefits of Exercise While Pregnant
For obese women, exercise during pregnancy could mean a lower risk of gestational diabetes, a new study found.
Pay Attention to Your Exercise Habits
Exercise may alleviate symptoms of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) in adults, a new study found.
Which Weight Loss Rx Is Best?
Which weight loss medication is the best? There may actually be a clear answer, according to a new study.
Midlife Fit May Mean No Late-Life Stroke
For people in middle age, staying fit now could reduce stroke risk later in life, a new study found.
The Burden of Pediatric Concussions
Many measures of how often children get concussions are based on emergency department visit data, but that may not be the most accurate way to measure, a new study found.