Rheumatic DiseaseInfo Center
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Which Hip?
Every year, hundreds of thousands of people across the United States undergo hip replacement surgery. When it comes to choosing a type of implant, it can be hard to sift through all the options.
Knee Surgery: Make Your Glass Half-Full
Both rheumatoid arthritis and osteoarthritis patients may undergo knee replacement surgery if conventional treatments give little relief. The results of this surgery differ depending on the type of arthritis.
A Breath of Arthritic Air
Your environment can have a huge impact on your health. For example, your lungs can take a beating from breathing in polluted air. It now appears that substances like smog are also linked to rheumatoid arthritis.
Which Pill to Pop for Kidney Protection?
Lupus can cause problems in many different parts of the body, including the kidneys. Patients with kidney complications are usually treated with medications. But which drug treatment works best?
From Spinal Pain to Heart Disease
Ankylosing spondylitis is a disease that causes inflammation in the spine. On top of dealing with the pain, patients with ankylosing spondylitis may need to pay more attention to their heart health.
Behind the Pain: Hidden Heart Problems
People with rheumatoid arthritis suffer from inflammation of the joints. That inflammation can spread to other organs, causing additional health problems. Atherosclerosis (hardened arteries) may be one of these problems.
Diagnosing Soreness From Psoriasis
It is important to diagnose a disease early so that the patient can start treatment as soon as possible. But many patients - such as those with psoriatic arthritis - go months or years without a diagnosis.
The Molecule of Many Diseases
It is good news when researchers gain a little more knowledge about the development of one disease. It is even better news when that little bit of knowledge applies to a whole group of diseases.
In Need of Vitamin D
Sitting in the sun can help you get healthy doses of vitamin D. But it seems some people with a certain form of arthritis are not getting enough of the sun's rays.
Curbing Your Kid's Pain
No one wants to waste time and money on a medication when there are better alternatives out there. So, what is the best drug for treating children with arthritis? A new report may have an answer.