Rheumatic DiseaseInfo Center

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Arthritis Drugs May Keep Diabetes at Bay
Even if a drug was meant to fight one disease, it often happens that the drug can protect patients against other health problems. This seems to be the case with some arthritis drugs.
No Good News for Lupus Patients' Kidneys
In recent years, treatment for lupus nephritis (kidney damage caused by lupus) has gotten better. Yet outcomes for many patients with the disease still do not look good.
Gardasil Safe on Base
Patients with lupus are at significantly greater risk for being affected by HPV, the human papillomavirus. The vaccine Gardasil, which prevents HPV and is commonly used to guard against cervical cancer is effective for healthy women, but questions remained about whether lupus patients would experience flare-ups after being vaccinated.
Stretch Away Rheumatoid Arthritis and Fibromyalgia
You probably think exercising is expending energy. After all that's what running and aerobics require. But yoga, which involves the opposite, has been shown to be healthy for people. Breathing, meditating, and stretching don't seem like hard work, much less exercise.
Holding Back the RA Hurt
In the constant search for new ways to fight disease, help can be found in unexpected places. What causes a disease could also be what helps to fight off that same disease.
Finding Arthritis with Sound
In most cases, patients do better if doctors can find and diagnose their disease early. This is true for kids who are affected by a type of childhood arthritis. Now, researchers have found a way that helps spot childhood arthritis early.
Smokers Left in Pain
Smoking is terrible for your health and leads to all sorts of problems. Researchers have found yet another problem related to smoking; some arthritis drugs may not work for patients who smoke.
How Lupus Narrows Your Arteries
People with lupus have a higher risk of narrowed arteries - the blood vessels that deliver blood to the organs. While past studies have not shown what causes this higher risk, new research sheds some light on the link between lupus and narrowed arteries.
Body Battles Arthritis Drug
Many rheumatoid arthritis (RA) patients are taking Humira to relieve their pain. While the drug relieves pain for most patients, others find that Humira has little effect on their RA symptoms. Researchers may have discovered why the drug may not work in some patients.
Transplants for Lupus
Lupus is a rare disease that can affect many parts of the body, including the kidneys. Using certain stem cells, researchers have discovered they may be able to help patients whose kidneys have been damaged by lupus.