Rheumatic DiseaseInfo Center
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Relief for Psoriatic Arthritis Patients
For a minority of people with psoriasis, the possibility of developing a related form of arthritis can be a major concern. Disease treatments sometimes determine how much relief psoriatric arthritis sufferers might get from their symptoms.
Choosing the Best Rheumatoid Arthritis Treatment
It's often thought that the most effective medication for a condition is always the best to use. But if the effectiveness of the medication is only a little higher, and the costs are a lot higher, that may not be the case.
Aggressive Trio to Treat Juvenile Arthritis
Kids as young as toddlers can develop arthritis. Finding the right treatment may help ensure that young lives are not sidelined by this disease, which can affect youths' eyes, joints or other body parts.
Diabetes Rx May Keep Arthritis at Bay
Call it a gut reaction. A popular diabetes medication works by helping gastrointestinal hormones that encourage insulin production. The same medication may also help ward off autoimmune diseases.
Some RA Meds Tied to Lower Heart Attack Risk Than Others
Rheumatoid arthritis patients have an increased risk for heart attacks. Some medications used to treat the inflammation from arthritis may also help lower the risk of heart attack as well.
Early Control of RA Predicted Less Disability
Rheumatoid arthritis (RA) cannot be cured, but treatment can significantly reduce the signs and symptoms of the disease, and bring disease activity to a low level. Treating the disease as early as possible may make this goal easier.
RA Meds Didn't Boost Infection Risk
Avoiding infection is a big concern for patients who are planning on having surgery. And new research sheds light on how rheumatoid arthritis patients should prepare for upcoming surgery.
Lack of Social Ties Linked to Pain after Hip Replacement
If you're a social butterfly, it may do you some good if you're about to undergo hip replacement surgery.
The Puzzle of Lupus, Pregnancy and Autism
The possible causes of autism are one of the great mysteries of medicine today. I t is possible that certain health conditions during pregnancy might play a role in autism.
Worse Spondylitis May Be New Reason to Kick the Habit
There are many reasons to quit smoking, and people with ankylosing spondylitis can add another to the list.