Rheumatic DiseaseInfo Center
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Reducing Damage from Lupus
Patients with lupus have to do what they can to prevent organ and tissue damage in their bodies. There may be a few risk factors for patients to address to help them prevent further damage.
Few with Autoimmune Diseases Got HPV Vaccine
There are vaccines that protect against the human papillomavirus (HPV). These vaccines are often recommended for people with autoimmune diseases who are prone to infection. But it seems that many of these folks may not be getting the HPV vaccine.
Joint Surgery Decline for RA Patients
Given the choice, many people might rather pop a pill than go under the knife for surgery. And based on new research from Sweden, it seems that more and more rheumatoid arthritis patients may not need surgery due to modern medication.
FDA Approves Two Meds for New Use
New options developed this week for patients coping with two very different arthritic conditions. T he US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved two medications for treatment of both rheumatoid arthritis and ankylosing spondylitis.
RA and Related Conditions Worldwide
As treatments for rheumatoid arthritis have improved, the long-term outlook for patients also has become much better. But other conditions linked to rheumatoid arthritis can still be a barrier to an otherwise healthy life.
Anti-TNF Medication Soothed Psoriatic Arthritis
Rheumatoid arthritis and psoriatic arthritis share many characteristics. While a certain class of medications — called anti-TNFs — has been shown to be a helpful treatment for rheumatoid arthritis, it remains unclear how well they work for patients with psoriatic arthritis.
Exercise for RA: Heart and Lungs Benefit
Rheumatoid arthritis can cause pain and tenderness in joints, so patients frequently become sedentary. A new study may give people with the disease a new reason to move.
Why Your Arthritic Legs Can’t Stop Moving
Do you think that the urge to keep your legs moving has nothing to do with your rheumatoid arthritis? Better think again. A recent review explained a possible link between these two conditions.
Can Magnetic Bracelets Relieve Pain?
Copper and magnetic bracelets that supposedly relieve pain can be found on TV ads, online and in stores. But do they actually work?
Arthritis and Depression: It's Not All In Your Head
Arthritis, which can lead to painful bones and joint damage, is a physical condition. However, according to recent research, it may also affect patients' mental health.