CardiovascularInfo Center

At The Medicine Shoppe® Pharmacies, we are dedicated to providing products and services to care for your family’s wellness. One of those services is health news you can trust. Use the filters to focus on the information that is important to you, then bookmark this page to make it a regular stop anytime you’re online.

Drop the Cigarette after Angioplasty
Looking to boost the benefits of your angioplasty? Quitting smoking might help.
How Keeping Your Hips Strong Might Ease Leg Pain
The narrowing of arteries in the limbs — a common circulatory problem called peripheral artery disease — can often cause leg pain, but strengthening your hip muscles may bring relief.
How a Cholesterol Rx Might Combat Prostate Cancer
Sometimes two medications may be better than one — at least when it comes to prostate cancer treatment.
How to Choose an Anticoagulant
If you need to take an anticoagulant — popularly known as a blood thinner — you don’t want it to cause bleeding, but some might raise your bleeding risk. 
Got Diabetes? Quit Smoking, but Take Care
If you smoke, quit! If you're a smoker who has diabetes, however, you may need to more closely monitor your blood sugar after you quit.
Health Smarts for Healthier Hearts
The more you know about health, the longer you might live.
Testing Air Quality IQ
Do you tend to ignore air quality reports, thinking they're only for people with certain breathing problems? This week, experts are highlighting how air quality can affect everyone.
How Hodgkin Lymphoma and Heart Disease Might Be Linked
Hodgkin lymphoma survivors may face other health risks later on.
Salt Wasn't So Serious for Blood Pressure
Many Americans eat more salt than dietary guidelines recommend. New evidence suggests that salt may not be as serious a threat to one group of patients' blood pressure as once thought.
Cigars Not a Safe Cigarette Alternative
There’s a common notion that cigars may be safer to smoke than cigarettes because they are often not inhaled. New evidence, however, suggests that cigar smoking may pose some serious health threats.