CardiovascularInfo Center

At The Medicine Shoppe® Pharmacies, we are dedicated to providing products and services to care for your family’s wellness. One of those services is health news you can trust. Use the filters to focus on the information that is important to you, then bookmark this page to make it a regular stop anytime you’re online.

First-in-Class Cholesterol Rx Approved
A first-in-its-class injectable cholesterol medication just received the US Food and Drug Administration's (FDA) seal of approval.
What ED May Mean for Diabetes Risk
It can be awkward to talk to your doctor about your sex life. But, for many men, problems in the bedroom can be a warning sign for another serious health problem.
5 Lifestyle Factors Linked to Less Heart Failure
Your day-to-day activities just may halve your risk for heart failure.
Stroke: Hard on Brain Function
A stroke happens in an instant, and many who survive report that their brain never works like it once did. But these problems with memory and thinking ability may not just be the immediate aftermath.
Hold That Sugary Drink for Better Health
Sugary drinks may taste good, but they may also take a big toll on public health.
Are You at Risk for Heart Disease?
Heart disease remains the leading cause of death in the US, but watching for certain risk factors may help give your heart a chance.
Trauma Tough on Women’s Hearts
Traumatic events — such as assault and natural disasters — may exact more than just an emotional toll on many women.
In Young Adults, BP Could Signal Later Heart Health
Keeping it low is a good thing when it comes to blood pressure. That may be especially true for young adults.
What Statins Might Do for Lung Surgery Patients
A common cholesterol medication may make lung surgery a little bit safer.
When High Cholesterol Goes Under the Radar
Heart disease is one of the biggest health problems in the United States. And when adults don't know they have risk factors for heart disease, the problem becomes harder to address. That may be the case with at least one group of people in the US.