CardiovascularInfo Center

At The Medicine Shoppe® Pharmacies, we are dedicated to providing products and services to care for your family’s wellness. One of those services is health news you can trust. Use the filters to focus on the information that is important to you, then bookmark this page to make it a regular stop anytime you’re online.

When 'Good' Cholesterol Is Even Better
Good, better, best — when it comes to cholesterol, you want more of the good kind. But there may be an even better version of the good kind.
Why Smokers Might Need to Watch Their Hearing
Smokers, if you need another reason to quit, here’s one that might surprise you: Quitting might save your hearing.
Why Some PAD Patients Should Take a Walk
Got peripheral artery disease (PAD)? A simple, at-home activity may help you get your mobility back.
There's No Place Like Home — To Grow Old
For those in midlife, lifestyle choices made now may have a major impact on living long and staying independent later in life.
Metabolic Syndrome Rate Stabilizing
A cluster of health problems — collectively known as metabolic syndrome — puts many at possible risk for heart disease and stroke. The good news? Rates for this condition appear to be stabilizing in the US.
Common Syndrome May Boost Heart Risk
When the symptoms of metabolic syndrome combine, they can lead to heart disease or even death. But those with diabetes and high blood pressure may face the highest risk.
Cholesterol Rx and Stroke: The Effects on Older Patients
If you have to take a pill for high cholesterol, it would be nice to know that it does double duty. New evidence suggests that for healthy older patients, cholesterol drugs might have some benefits beyond just lowering cholesterol.
Seniors Need to Work out, Too
For some older men, living longer may be as simple as getting off the couch and moving.
Get a Grip on Your Health
A firm handshake may indicate more than just your confident personality. Good grip strength may indicate that you're in good health.
A Hidden Risk of Depression
Depression may affect more than your brain and behavior — it may also affect your physical health. Depression may raise the risk of a life-threatening condition in older adults.