CardiovascularInfo Center
At The Medicine Shoppe® Pharmacies, we are dedicated to providing products and services to care for your family’s wellness. One of those services is health news you can trust. Use the filters to focus on the information that is important to you, then bookmark this page to make it a regular stop anytime you’re online.
Southern Diet, You’re Giving Me a Heart Attack
Your mouth may like fried chicken and gravy, buttered rolls and sweet tea, but what about your heart?
Walk Your Way to Heart Health
If Goldilocks took her love of moderation all the way to exercise, she might have discovered that her heart was "just right."
The Latest Skinny on Trans Fats
You likely know that a fatty diet is bad for you, but that may all depend on what kind of fats you're talking about.
Take Heart: Low T Treatment Didn't Hurt Arteries
More and more men are receiving testosterone treatment as they age, leading to more and more questions about the benefits and risks of this practice. One such question might have just gotten an answer.
In Low T Patients, an Unexpected Hormone Therapy Benefit
Older men with low T may wind up reaping some unexpected benefits from hormone therapy.
Weight Loss Surgery Benefits Were Short-Lived
Weight loss surgery can produce dramatic results, but it seems that keeping the weight off can be a challenge.
How Heart Attacks Affect Life Expectancy
After a heart attack, life expectancy can depend on many factors. Now new evidence suggests that even a patient's sex and skin color may play a role.
When More Medication Isn't Necessarily Better
More isn't always better, and that may be especially true when it comes to heart attack medications.
On Your Feet for Heart Health
Will all the office couch potatoes please stand up? Your heart may thank you for it.
Please Don’t Pass the Salt
Salt and high blood pressure may go together like ham and eggs.