CardiovascularInfo Center

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How to Fight Depression After a Heart Attack
After a heart attack, taking care of your body is very important — and so is taking care of your mind.
Pulmonary Arterial Hypertension Rx Combo Approved
Together, two medications for pulmonary arterial hypertension (PAH) may help patients even more than either pill alone.
ADHD Rx Appeared Safe for Kids with Congenital Heart Disease
Kids with congenital heart disease often are at risk for attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). But whether ADHD medications can be safely given to this population has been a big concern for parents and doctors alike.
Why You Should Take a Walk at Work
Here's another reason to take a quick break at work: Getting up from your desk and strolling around the office could help your vascular health.
Hormone Therapy for Women: Timing Matters
Hormone therapy for menopause has been a controversial subject for some time, primarily because of its link to heart disease risk.
Low-Dose Beta Blockers: When Less Is More
Beta blockers are a class of medications often prescribed to patients after a heart attack. But the dosing for this medication has remained controversial.
How to Lower Your Diabetes Risk While You Sleep
Patients who take their blood pressure medications at bedtime may wake up with a lower risk of diabetes.
New Guidelines for Smokers' Health Care
Smoking has been tied to numerous health issues. Now an expert panel has made recommendations for doctors who care for adults and pregnant women who smoke.
The Role of Sugary Drinks in Diabetes Risk
Sugary drinks have recently been linked to type 2 diabetes risk, but new evidence suggests a more complicated picture.
The Burden of Alcohol Use
New strategies may be needed to curb harmful alcohol use, especially in low-income countries.