CardiovascularInfo Center

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How a Diabetes Rx Saved Lives
A common diabetes medication may be helping patients' tickers, too.
Vitamin D and Your Brain
Vitamin D is essential for building strong bones. But new evidence suggests that it may also play an important role in protecting against cognitive decline.
How Diet Could Affect Breast Cancer Risk
The Mediterranean diet has long been promoted as a heart-healthy way of eating. But, for women, there may now be another good reason to adopt this diet.
Global Health Affected by Unhealthy Habits
Many of the deaths that occur around the world today may be preventable.
Have Diabetes, Will Exercise
Exercise may be at the heart of good diabetes control. Literally.
Rx Shows Promise for Diabetes Patients
Diabetes patients often face a second problem: kidney disease. But a new medication may be here to help.
Stopping Blood Pressure Meds May Not Help Cognition
Any medication can cause side effects, and high blood pressure medications are no exception.
Too Many Cholesterol Meds for Elderly Patients?
For patients with heart disease, cholesterol-lowering statins are often the first line of defense. But it seems that many doctors are prescribing statins to elderly patients without heart disease — and that could be a problem.
Second Approval in New Cholesterol Rx Class
Following the recent approval of a first-in-its-class cholesterol medication, a second treatment in this class received the green light from the FDA.
A Heart Rx That Could Help Cancer Patients
Beta blockers are a class of heart medications that treat high blood pressure. But for some patients, they may have other lifesaving benefits.